ALL ABOUT ReDECORATING has been featured recently in the following publications:

- Don't Dread Red
February 11, 2012: Seems this time of the year everyone is thinking red. - Spruce up your space
20 ways to freshen your home for the New Year
Published Providence Journal Décor Section
January 1, 2011

- Home Staging
How You Live In Your Home and How You Sell It
Are Two Different Things
Published Castles & Cottages Magazine
February 7th - March 6th 2008 Issue.
Projo Homes Magazine
- Do It Yourself
ProjoHomes Magazine, July, 2006

- New Look, Zero Budget
Newport Life Magazine-Home Magazine, 2005 - MANTEL piece de resistance
Newport Life, Winter, 2003 edition
- Art For Art's Sake
Victorian Homes Magazine, October 2004
- What A Difference Some Paint Makes!
East Bay Living Magazine, Summer 2004 edition
Redecorating Solutions-Quick, Easy & Affordable
- November, 2004 edition
The holidays will soon be upon us and it brings to mind how we long to make our home warm and cozy. - October, 2004 edition
How many times do you walk into a room and it just doesn’t feel right to you. - May, 2004 edition
As the season's change and we go through our closets to remove our winter items and replace them with spring and summer, we can also make changes in our home. - April, 2004 edition
Recently I appeared at the Home Show and gave two seminars showcasing a "Before & After" slide presentation of actual homes redecorated with their existing furnishings. - March, 2004 edition
Before we know it spring will be upon us and many of you will be putting your home on the market. - February, 2004 edition
When I’m consulting with my clients many mention that their living rooms or family rooms aren’t cozy or inviting enough. - January, 2004 edition
As the New Year is upon us, we all have great intentions with our New Year’s resolutions.
- Decorating Without Fear
Grace Ormonde Marriage Magazine, 2003
- Designing Woman
Newport Daily News, Home & Garden
Spring 2006 - Inexpensive fixes can lighten room
Newport Daily News, Home & Garden
Spring 2005 - One-Day Decorating : Interior motives
Newport Daily News, Home & Garden
October 2, 2002

- Christmas in Newport, Homes All Aglow
Providence Journal, Home Section